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Digital Photography and Imaging / Project 1

22.4.2024 - 02.6.2024 / Week 1 - Week 6
GAN YI KIAN / 0374572
Digital Photography and Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media


Week 1 / Introduction to Digital Photography & Imaging

1. Introduction to Digital Photography & Imaging.
2. Introduction Photography
3. The importance of Photoshop
4. Photograph manipulation
5. The invention of Photoshop
6. Digital Imaging
7. Assignment Projects briefing
- Introduction to Google Drive and Online Portfolio 
- Creating E-Portfolio


Then start project 1. First, go to Pinterest to find 3 favorite graphic design composition works and then explain why you like these designs. 

Week 2 / Introduction to basic composition
1. Introduction to basic composition. 
  • Focal Point
  • Scale & Hierarchy
  • Balance The Elements
  • White Space
2. Rule of Thirds. 
  • Use composition techniques that are in line with what’s naturally pleasing to the eye. 
  • Creatively use negative space.
  • Create conversation between the subject and background.
3. Golden Ratio.
Fig 1.1 Golden Ratio
4. Composition [Framing & Cropping]

This week we will complete Collage layering elements & composition.


- Lasso tool
- Pen tool
- Layering

We also can play the bezier game learn about how to use pen tool and practise.
Fig 1.2  bezier game

Week 4 / Introduction to Photoshop 3 

Adjustment Layer & Filters


Photo filter trick in Photoshop:


In photography, exposure is the amount of light which reaches your camera sensor or film.

The main parts of the camera: 
Camera body:
  • Shutter
  • Image sensor
  • LCD screen
Camera lens:
  • Aperture/ Iris
The camera body is a light proof box.
There are only two camera settings that affect the actual “luminous exposure” of an image: shutter speed and aperture. The third setting, camera ISO, also affects the brightness of your photos.

IRIS : Iris/Aperture is control the flow of light entering the lens.
measured by f-stop, indicated by sequence of f-number: f/1, f/1.4, f/2 , f/ 2.8, f/ 4, f/ 5.6, f/ 8, f/ 11, f/ 16, f/22 , f/32..

SHUTTER SPEED : The shutter is a small plastic sheet that opens and closes to allow light onto the film or prevent light from reaching the film. 
measured in seconds: 1/1000 s,1/500 s,1/250 s,1/125 s,1/60 s,1/30 s,1/15 s,1/8 s,1/4 s,1/2 s,1 s, 2 s, 3 s…

ISO : Originally referred to the sensitivity of film—it's "light gathering" ability. For digital photography, ISO refers to the sensitivity—the signal gain—of the camera's sensor.
The common ISO camera settings are: 100, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400….
The lower the number of ISO the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain.

Different lenses are designed for different for different purposes. Lenses can be categorized by FOCAL LENGTH.

FOCAL LENGTH:  The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view and vice-versa. Focal length is the measurement (in millimeters) from the optical center of a camera lens to the camera’s sensor.
DEPTH OF FIELD:  The proportion of the image that is reasonably sharp and in focus.The smaller the aperture you use, the greater the depth of field.


The 7 principles of poster design
The principles of design are the rules a designer must follow to create an effective and attractive composition. 
  • Emphasis
  • Balance and alignment
  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Proportion: The visual size and weight of elements in a composition and how they relate to each other. It often helps to approach your design in sections, instead of as a whole.
  • Proportion: Movement is controlling the elements in a composition so that the eye is led to move from one to the next and the information is properly communicated to your audience.
  • White Space



1. Choose and identify collage's design elements to be cut out and compose it into own concept & story.
2. Pre compositing your collage's design elements into a composition.
3. Take 3 photo of collage pre-composition  and insert it on the section below. 
4. Submit (Turn In) this W2_COLLAGE ELEMENTS.

Fig 2.1 Picture

First, I bought a newspaper of Star in the bookstore and went home to read it carefully and find out the materials I might use and cut them out. At first I wanted to use white paper as the background, but Mr Hamzah gave me the advice that the materials are compact and can be use a lot of space.

Fig 2.2 Picture

This is the seat that Mr Hamzah helped me adjust. It makes better use of the space next to it to make the work look richer. However, Mr Hamzah also suggested that I change the background to make the effect look better.

Final Product

Fig 2.3 Final Product

I followed Mr Hamzah's advice and purchased a background image that looks good and fits the theme. It felt very textured and looked great, so I attached the paper cutout and this is the final result.


1. Download all of the images here
2. Follow this tutorial demo as reference to create digital collage:
3. Create 3 different composition digital collages from the images that you’ve downloaded.
4. Create A4 canvas size (vertical) on Photoshop and start to do the compositions.
5. Take 3 photo of your digital collage compositions and insert it on the section below.
6. Submit (Turn In) this file on Google Classroom.

First, I create A4 canvas size (vertical) on Photoshop

Fig 3.1 Picture

and using images from Mr Fauzi to start my design.
I mostly use pen tool and magic tool to select the shape I want

Fig 3.2 Picture

I created three works, my personal favorite #1, and Mr Hamzah also gave me feedback good job.

Fig 3.3 digital collage

PROJECT 1B: Digital Collage review

"Attach your best composition from the WEEK 3 digital collage exercise below.
Using the same Photoshop file, improvise your WEEK 3 digital collage into WEEK 4 by using Adjustment Layers & Filters on Photoshop.
Explain what you’ve learned in the description section."

I choose the #1 works to adjust layers & filters.

Fig 3.4 digital collage

So I added layers & filters to each photo
First I changed the two fish's colors and the plant's color
In the old projector and people walking picture, I lower their opacity.

Final Product
Fig 3.5 Final digital collage

I added different special effects to each picture. From my point of view, I think this effect and composition is good.

PART 1: Hearst Mansion
Follow the quick tutorial to understand how to use: 
  • Quick Selection Tool
  • Layer Mask
  • Filters
  • Color Correction

First, I select the shape of the shazam

Fig 4.1 Shazam

Then put the shazam into another background image

Fig 4.2 Shazam

Then shazam it out and put it in the corner

Fig 4.3 Shazam

Adjust the color of the shazam to make it more consistent with the background

Fig 4.4 Shazam

Add shadow

Fig 4.5 Shazam

After adding the shadow, adjust the color to make it look more natural.


Fig 4.6 Final Shazam

PART 2 (My Reflection)
I first select me from the photo and put it in the corner of the shazam.

Fig 5.1 Me

After adding the shadow, I also copied one more and made a reflection.

Fig 5.2 Me

But I look a little funny

Fig 5.3 Me


Mr Fauzi : That’s a great progress. I’ve checked the whole process of your Project 1. Good exploration on the Shazam exercise. Your photo and reflection is good.

PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White 
Follow instructions from the W6_RECOLORING BREAKDOWN:

Turn B&W photo into COLOUR photo




Recoloring B&W photo- Advanced level

Fig 6.3 B&W photo

Fig 6.4 B&W photo


Fig 6.5 B&W photo

Project 2: Digital Imaging exercise 02-PART2
I decided to recolor Kobe's photo, cause he is my legend.

Fig 7.1 Kobe photo

Fig 7.2 Kobe photo


Fig 7.3 Kobe photo

For me, I think the big challenge is the lines next to the clothes, there are difficult to select.


In my opinion, Digital Photography and Imaging is a course that we can see every day in our lives. Now we are just learning its theory and how to make better use of it. I think this course is very interesting and can expand our creativity very well. I also learned many illustrator tools and filters and other techniques from Project 1.


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